
Pattern Info
Floral Bouquet Mittens Gloves are so romantic design, if you love embroidery you will enjoy to knit this easy mittens gloves and add the pretty floral embroidery, if you want to learn and practice embroidery, nothing better than this project, you will enjoy and at the same time will have a nice warm pair of mittens!
Floral Bouquet Mittens Gloves Pattern include a detailed photo tutorial for embroidery, stitch guides and step by step instructions for each embroidery stitch used.

One – Medium Adult size

Knitting and Embroidery
Yarn :
200 yards sport weight yarn
Needle Size:
US 4 – 3.5mm straight needles
Yarn needle, stitch holder or piece of waste yarn

Pattern Support:
If you have any questions or need extra help with my patterns do not hesitate to contact me at:
I always happy to help my customers!

Happy Knitting and Thank you so much to support Independent Designers!

Lilia Vanini / Liliacraftparty

Knitting project bags andina peruvian manta wool designs bags for knitting projects by Lilia Vanini Liliacraftparty